The Art of Systems Architecting

From 14. November 2022 09:00 until 15. November 2022 16:00
Categories: Workshop


Workshop on Systems Architecting with Gerrit Muller

INCOSE Denmark has the pleasure of inviting you to a two-days workshop on systems architecting. We are happy to introduce Gerrit Muller, professor of Systems Engineering at the University of South-Eastern Norway and Senior Research Fellow, Embedded Systems Innovations at TNO.


New locationDTU Lyngby campusDTU Meeting Centre, meeting room S12.

 Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kongens Lyngby


Register for this event no later than 11th November at 12:00AM by clicking the "Register" button above.

- Not INCOSE Members  

- INCOSE Members

- Students

   500 DKK



The registration fee includes lunch.


The workshop is set up to make the art of system architecting more accessible. It will address a wide spectrum of issues in relation with system architecture, such as: processes, business, role and task of the system architect, roadmapping, system architect toolkit, technical, skills, and psycho social.


The agenda purposefully alternates process, business and technology views:

  1. Positioning the System Architecture Process, Product Creation Process
  2. Role and Task of the System Architect
  3. Requirements Capturing
  4. System Architect Toolkit
  5. Roadmapping
  6. Product Families, generic developments
  7. Documentation, reviewing and other supportive processes
  8. BoM presentation
  9. Psycho Social side
  10. Wrap up, Expectations, How to continue, Evaluation

You can read about Gerrit Muller here:

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