First Meeting in INCOSE Denmark

First Meeting in INCOSE Denmark

From 30. October 2013 13:00 until 30. October 2013 17:00

At GN ReSound

Hits: 6826

The first meeting in INCOSE Denmark, and the organizational meeting for the foundation of INCOSE Denmark, to be held at:

October 30th, 13:00 at GN ReSound A/S, Lautrupbjerg 7, 2750 Ballerup

Register for an afternoon of networking, interesting presentations, and participate in the establisment of a local organisation that will work with the dissemination of systems engineering knowledge and promotion of systems engineering activities within Denmark.


In order to get access to the event you must register by clicking the "Join" button above no later than 21st October.

Participation is free of charge.

NOTE: You must be a member of INCOSE to vote on the general meeting.


Looking forward to seeing you on October 30!


Detailed Program

13:00 – 14:45: Organizational meeting:

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Election of Chairman of meeting
  3. Presentation of INCOSE (Mrs. Cecilia Haskins, New chapter coordinator)
  4. Presentation of INCOSE Denmark (Mr. Henrik Balslev)
  5. Approval of Bylaws for INCOSE Denmark
  6. Election of Officers and Directors of the Board (“Valg af bestyrelse”)
  7. Election of Auditors and Deputy Auditors (“Valg af revisorer”)
  8. The role of INCOSE Denmark in INCOSE EMEA (Mr. Asmus Pandikow, Sector Director)
  9. Any other business
  10. Closing remarks

14:45 – 15:00: Networking and Coffee Break

15:00 – 16:00: "How to take Emerging Technologies into Technology Project Execution – in Practice?"

by Jesper Søbygaard Nielsen, Head of Technology Management, Danfoss Power Electronics A/S

16:00 – 17:00:  "Product Family Master Plan"

by Allan Bo Jørgensen, Chief Architect, Grundfos Management A/S


Please see the attached file which contains more details about the event, including proposed bylaws, presentation of the candidates for the board of directors as well as a brief abstract for each of the two additional presentations.